What I’m Reading: The Wisdom of Compassion

The Wisdom of Compassion

I’ve just finished reading The Wisdom of Compassion: Stories of Remarkable Encounters and Timeless Insights by the Dali Lama and Victor Chan.

A thought-provoking and engaging read, this book brings forth numerous stories of empathy and consideration that Chan and the Dali Lama have both personally witnessed. Based on the belief that a person’s goal in life is to be happy — and that unhappiness is primarily based on internal bouts of anger and ignorance — the stories shared in this book, and the Dali Lama’s wisdom principles revolve around the practical application of compassion.

Throughout the book, he and Chan share stories they’ve encountered in various locations around the world — from his friendship with a blind Irishman to the Dali Lama’s collaboration with a neuroscientist that led to significant discoveries about the human brain. No matter a person’s religious beliefs, this book helps readers gain a deeper understanding of human nature and our ability to show compassion and consideration for those around us.

An excellent read — I recommend you check it out.

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