What I’m Reading: The Birth Order Book


Let me just throw this out there up front — this isn’t a typical read for me. A dear friend of mine recommended that I give it a shot, and I’m honestly really glad that she did.

With a very conversational style, Dr. Leman attempts to get inside the head of children and adults based on their birth order (first born, middle child, baby and many combinations thereof) to attempt to explain why we behave the way that we do. Dr. Leman’s book is heavily focused on application — how our birth order applies to the business world, marriage and dating, parenting style.

As I said, this isn’t typically the type of book that I would be compelled to read. In fact, I’m not usually a fan of books that are written in a conversational tone (I usually find them difficult to follow and tend to lose interest quickly), but Dr. Leman does a good job keeping this book interesting and informative.

Give it a shot when you’ve got some time. If nothing else, it will make you take a step back and think about how you behave and may shed some interesting insight into the why behind your actions.

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