Career Changes

As I mentioned in a previous (and rather short) post, a LOT has changed in my life in the past several months. After a short stint as an IT recruiter, I realized how much I missed the challenges and creativity of PR and social media, and thus my job search was back on. Initially, my focus was on staying in Michigan (what can I say, I really DO love Detroit) and that’s where I focused my search for the first few weeks. Then, after much soul-searching and discussions with my family and beautiful friends (you know who you are), my search unexpectedly expanded to the Boston area, Chicago and Louisville (again).

You see, I left Louisville about three years ago and never had ANY intention of coming back. I was headed to the east coast and my plans included a great job in Burlington, long weekends spent in Boston or on the Cape, quick trips to NYC and gorging myself on lobster in Maine. After about two years and many major life changes (sensing a theme here?), I found my way back to Michigan and 10 months later, back in Louisville.

It’s funny how even the best laid plans can sometimes be run completely off track — and how that can be a beautifully disguised blessing.

So here I am again — this time working in social media for a national non-profit (a longtime dream of mine). I couldn’t have guessed even a year ago that I would be able to realize my dream so early in my career, and I am thankful every single day for all of the crazy events, heartbreak and hurt that have brought me to where I am today. I find myself challenged, inspired and excited every day, and thankful for the amazing variety of people that I work with and often not even feeling like I’m at work while I’m there.

The elusive “they” say that’s what it’s all about, right?

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