Simple things.

I’ve got an amazing friend who has been heavy on my heart lately. We’ve been friends for nearly my entire life, and as is to be expected as we get older and build our lives nearly 1,000 miles apart, it’s been a few weeks since we’ve been able to catch each other and talk. We’ve swapped texts and other brief messages as we always do, but there’s nothing quite like hearing the sound of a friends voice as you swap stories of life and love.

Today we connected — albeit briefly — and I was filled with love and happiness and reminded just how blessed that I am to have people like her in my life. Over the course of our quick conversation she said to me, “… it seemed like I’ve had a lot of different friends over the years, and sometimes felt like I had no friends at all… but you were always my friend, and I think that’s how I made it through so well.”

The crazy thing about hearing this from one of my oldest friends is that earlier this morning, I shared nearly the exact same thought. It’s absolutely incredible to me how, in spite of years, many miles and always changing life circumstances, I’ve managed to find a group of wonderful people like this who remain constant… and that, even though we haven’t spoken in a few weeks (which really feels like forever), we still seem to be sharing similar thoughts and feelings.

After our quick chat, I couldn’t help but smile for the rest of my day. And I couldn’t help but say a few extra prayers of thanks.

Friendships come in all shapes and sizes. Some last for a lifetime, and some only last for a while. Regardless, cherish the people you choose to let in your life… and hold those you decide to keep extra close. Tell them how much they mean to you, thank them for what they bring to your life, be there when they need you and tell them when they make you mad or hurt you.

If you keep your heart and mind open to it, you’ll learn something about yourself and others from each person you open yourself up to like this… and for what it’s worth, I think that’s pretty damn awesome.

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