Time to shake it up.

It’s been too long since I’ve curled up with my laptop and ANY sort of desire to write. It’s been a whirlwind year — a year of two job changes, incredible love and some big life changes and lots of travel (for work and for fun).

It’s also been a year of discovery, frustration and creative roadblocks.

Since my last post, I’ve changed roles in my new job twice. I’m now responsible for communications strategy, development and implementation of programs and initiatives that support racial ethnic and new immigrant faith communities across the denomination that I work for. It’s amazing, and I’m blessed and grateful every day for the kind, brilliant and creative people that I work with. Yet, somehow, in the midst of these brilliant minds and creative souls, I’ve somehow found my own creative energy almost completely stifled. Over the past several months, I’ve battled with no one but myself to learn and grow in this new role.

Since my last post, I’ve also met the love of my life. Frankly, after the years of headache and heartache that I took to find him, a sabbatical from blogging to spend time with this handsome man with a wonderful, incredible soul and overwhelmingly kind heart was most certainly needed. He’s opened my eyes and my heart to love, and made me happier than I could have ever imagined. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for the two of us.

As another year winds down and J and I find our new rhythm together, it’s time for me to get back to writing. It’s time to think about taking this blog (and my writing in general) in a new direction, and sharing thoughts, ideas and lessons learned along the way.

Good things are coming. I sure hope you’ll stay tuned.