Big Changes…

Sadly, it’s been a while since I’ve had the time (or the motivation, quite frankly) to blog… and A LOT has changed since my last post.

I’m back in Louisville, took a new job (much more on that later — it’s AMAZING), found a stellar apartment (and am living on my own again) and have embarked on the next scary (and exciting) leg of this crazy journey.

What’s next? I’m not sure… but I do know that for the first time in many years, my heart is truly happy and I am incredibly excited to see what’s around the corner. I’ve also realized how blessed that I am to have SO many amazing people in my life. To my family, friends, co-workers and even a few random, kind strangers that have managed to play a part in the craziness of the past several months, THANK YOU. I cannot express how much love I have for each of you. ❤

Cheers to the New Year

Ok, hold tight… it’s been far longer than I’d like to admit since I’ve truly written. And it wasn’t until very recently that I realized how much I’ve missed it.

I’m not sure there has ever been a time in my life that I’ve felt like an “exceptional” writer… but writing has always been something that I’ve enjoyed, and has always provided a sense of creative freedom and escape that I found strength and comfort in.

2012 was a year of challenge and fighting to overcome adversity. And somewhere in that year, in the middle of struggles that I felt like I may never overcome, I stopped writing for a while. I stopped writing because someone told me I should. And in my very fragile state, and much like a fool, I listened.

In reflecting on the past year, and looking toward the next, I’ve spent a great deal of time thinking about what I like, and what I don’t like, about my life. What can I change? What can’t I change? How can I make myself a better person this year? How can I help others?

I’ve never been a big fan of resolutions (especially since I don’t know a single soul who has ever actually stuck to one), but this year I’m willing to give some sort of “resolution” a shot (note: I use that term very vaguely… I’d much prefer to call them simply, goals, or something of the like). This year, I’d like to:

  • Find a fabulous workout routine that I love and stick with it. I’m not shooting to drop ten pounds… but I’m tired of being tired, and feeling bad about the state that I’m in… and I’m even more tired of not doing anything about it.
  • Read more. When I walked away from my writing in 2012 (without intentionally doing so), I also seemed to walk away from my love of reading. Today I find myself feeling like I’ve lost more of myself than I had ever realized… and the idea of diving back in to the depths of a good story makes my soul smile.
  • Focus on friendship. Beautiful friendships and beautiful people can be difficult to come by. I’m blessed to have both in my life, and I want to spend more of my time and energy cultivating beautiful relationships. With that, comes my goal of letting go of those who shouldn’t be part of my life. I hate cutting ties and, aside from losing love, there’s not much worse (in my opinion) than losing friendship. I’ve changed dramatically, and so have many of those in my life, and with change sometimes comes loss. Holding on is hurting me more than letting go ever could. So this year, I say “goodbye” to a few…
  • Volunteer more. Because it just feels good to do something for someone else every once in a while.
  • Focus on the positive (because that just feels good, too).

There’s a laundry list of other things I’d like to work on… and the way I see it, life (and me) are ever-changing. For now, I’d like to take it slow and focus on one day at a time, one step at a time and hope to forge some great new friendships along the way, enhance those I already have, smile much more than I cry, and hope to have some pretty fabulous stories to share along the way.

2012 may not have been my year… but I think 2013 will be.
