
OK, I’ve got to be honest here. I get a lot of grief and questions about being single and living alone. Questions and concerns range from things like, “Why are you still single? What’s wrong?” and “Don’t worry, sweetie, you’ll find someone.” to “Are you sure you’re OK living alone? Don’t you get bored or lonely?” and “Don’t you worry about being safe?”

Let’s tackle some of these head on.

Yes, I’m still single and there’s nothing wrong with me. I have standards, and I don’t think that I should settle for anything less than I want and deserve simply to have someone to call my boyfriend (or husband). I’m OK with waiting, and dating some of the wrong guys, to find the right one. While we’re on that subject… yes, I still believe that there’s a “right guy” out there for me. I know he’s not going to be perfect — I’m not either. But I’m also a firm believer in things happening for a reason, and when the time is right, so I hold on to the hope that he’s out there somewhere, and that our paths will cross when the time is right. In the meantime, I’m going to keep reminding people that there’s not a single damn thing wrong with me because I’m still single at 27. This also — at least, in part, addresses the comments and concerns about me “not being worried” about finding someone — more on that in a later post, so stay tuned. 🙂

Now, to the living alone…

At first, living alone was hard. It was something I hadn’t ever really done before (aside from a very short stint that I was forced into — again, another post for another time). This time, living alone was entirely MY CHOICE. And guess what? I love it! I have my space, to do what I want, when I want and I don’t have to worry about interfering with others schedules or space. Don’t get me wrong, I also LOVED living with roommates (especially my Royal Oak ladies), and there’s certainly pros and cons to each situation. Here’s the thing: at this point in my life, this living situation was the one that made the most sense for me, and felt right. Please, concerned citizens, stop questioning MY life choices and worrying about the state of my well-being.
I PROMISE, there are much bigger issues that we should all be focused on (the new state of our healthcare system, or rates of human trafficking around the globe, for example?)

Here’s the thing — I’m independent. I work hard to support myself, and to be able to do the things that I want AND need to do. I pay my bills, I pay my taxes, I’ve started saving for a house and my retirement. I’ve covered the ‘independent adult’ bases, so to speak. I’M not worried about the rest falling in place — so why is it that so many others seem to be? I may not have a lot, but what I’ve got is mine. I’ve worked hard for it and I’m happy with what I have and where I am. Why can’t everyone else seem to be, too?