Building Your Brand Online

Where does one start when it comes to building an online brand? What is the importance of having a well-established, consistent brand?

As a communications professional, I’ve spent my career working with colleagues and clients to develop and establish consistent brands and brand messaging. But why? For businesses and individuals alike, having a solid brand (both on and off line) is important because it:

1. Establishes brand recognition: If you want anyone to know who you are and what you do, an online presence is key.

2. Help establish brand loyalty: When consumers can see your brand and what you can do, the likelihood of them choosing you over your competition dramatically increases.

3. Differentiate you from industry competition: Today’s market is full of noise and overwhelmed by people and companies offering similar products and services. A well-established brand can help businesses and individuals set themselves apart from others in the market.

Ok, so these are just a few of many reasons why having a well-established, consistent online brand is important for businesses and individuals. So now the question becomes What do I need to do to get a hold on my brand online OR How do I get started building my brand online? Here are just a few tips:

1. Understand your audience. Who are you trying to reach, and where are they most active online?

2. Give your brand a voice. A few things to think about here — give your brand a voice. Speak with your audience, not to them. Keep an open mind. Perhaps the most important: be consistent in your communication and your message.

3. Build your brand by utilizing a mix of media. Once you’ve figured out who your audience is, figure out the best way to reach them. Does Facebook make the most sense for your business? What about Twitter? Should my company have a blog? Businesses and individuals should utilize a solid mix of media to effectively build an online presence. The key to success: keep your branding (ex: usernames, photos, color schemes, messages, etc) consistent across all channels.

4. Make it personal and be creative! Readers won’t keep coming back if your content is stuffy or boring. Add a bit of personality to your posts, add links to fun and interesting articles or media content, or leave your readers with questions that will encourage a dialogue through your blog.

Which companies do you think have built the best online brands? Which companies do you think could improve their online brand? Why, and how?