
As I sit curled up with my coffee on this first day of 2014, I can’t help but reflect on all that happened in 2013. This past year has been quite a roller coaster ride that brought with it lots of laughter and love, new challenges and adventures and some terrible tragedy and heartbreak.

It simply amazes me, year after year, just how much can change in just twelve short months.

These past twelve months have taught me that I’ve got more strength and determination than I had ever realized or could have hoped for, and that I’m blessed beyond measure with beautiful friends who inspire me, challenge me and support me every day and in every way imaginable. I’ve realized that the only person who was holding me back from getting what I want was me, and that if I continue to underestimate myself, others will too. For the first time in many years, I feel completely comfortable in my own skin and totally confident in the direction my life is headed. This past year, I started new personal and professional adventure that have already proven to be far more than I had hoped for. I’m challenged, excited and surprised every single day and I couldn’t be more thankful for those who I get to share this journey with. I saw new love blossom and old love be challenged, grow and flourish beyond expectations, restoring my faith in lifelong love and the human spirit, in some ways. I celebrated with friends as they started families (or welcome second or third babies to the world) and have loved every chance that I’ve had to spend with them and their beautiful little boys and girls. Unfortunately, this past year I also cried with friends who have experienced unimaginable loss. The loss of a loved one, young or old, is never easy but the grace and strength I witnessed from friends and family during these difficult times was something that I still can’t seem to find the words for. I can, however, say that I’m incredibly blessed to have such strong, graceful and loving people in my life year after year.

Through all the ups and downs, the love and loss, perhaps the biggest takeaway from 2013 was this: to simply love with all that you have and trust completely that God has a wonderful plan in place for your life.

I may not know what his plan is or exactly how I’m supposed to get there, but I do know that 2014 is sure to be filled with many more new adventures, a lot of love, laughter and happiness and almost certainly some heartbreak. Whatever this year brings, I’m heading into this new year with an open mind, an open heart, faith that God’s leading me to where I’m supposed to be… and wonderful friends and family to share this crazy journey with.

Cheers to 2014!